Other Way to Remember AnimalsOther planned giving options

A gift in your will is not the only way to remember the animals and the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society in your estate plans. There are other options available to you. We recommend you work with your professional advisors to choose what makes the most sense for you, your loved ones, your estate and tax planning.

Make a Gift of Life Insurance
Through a gift of life insurance, you can make small payments today that add up to care for animals in the future. By working with your financial planner, you can structure a gift of life insurance in order to both receive tax benefits today and to pass them along to your beneficiaries.
Gift of real estate
A gift of real estate offers the opportunity to make a gift today, and to receive an immediate tax credit for the full fair market value of your property. Leaving a Real Estate gift simplifies your estate, provides a valuable tax credit and allows you to see your legacy gift at work in your lifetime.
Create a charitable annuity
A charitable annuity offers you the option to designate assets to the Ontario SPCA, while you are still living. You will then receive a tax receipt for your donation as well as an agreed income from the Ontario SPCA that will be completely tax-free.
Give the gift of registered funds

You may choose to designate the Ontario SPCA as a beneficiary of a registered fund, like an RRSP or RRIF, or even a TFSA. Because income from funds such as these become taxable upon death, leaving them to the Ontario SPCA generates a donation credit that can almost eliminate the taxes.

There are two ways to make this type of donation – designating the Ontario SPCA as the beneficiary or donating the proceeds of the fund through your will. We recommend that you ask your advisor which option is best for you.

For more information on any of these planned gift vehicles, please talk to us – we’d love to hear from you.