Fees for Ontario SPCA Spay-Neuter Services


Subsidized Rate* Full Rate
Feline spay $143.50 $205
Feline neuter $115.50 $165
Dog spay <15 kg $280.00 $400
Dog spay 15 kg – 30 kg $311.50 $445
Dog neuter <15 kg $220.50 $315
Dog neuter 15 kg – 30 kg $259.00 $370
Umbilical hernia $50 $50
Inguinal Cryptorchid $50 $50

* The Subsidized Rate is accessible to animal rescue groups, those who receive government subsidy, or have an Indigenous status card. Proof of subsidy will be required at registration.

Note: All animals must be between the ages of four
months and five years and be in good physical
condition, including being an appropriate weight
for our program. We do not provide surgery for dogs
over 30kg.

*Pregnancy termination – contact your local clinic
to discuss.

Large Dog Body Condition Chart
Small Dog Body Condition Chart
Cat Body Condition Chart


Wellness Services – *50% discount will apply if proof of government subsidy or indigenous status provided

Wellness exam $50
Rabies vaccine $25
FVRCP vaccine
FeLV vaccine
DA2PP vaccine
Bordatella vaccine
Leptospirosis vaccine

*Vaccine availability varies by location

Other Services – *Not eligible for discounts

Bitter spray
Pre-anesthetic blood work
Umbilical hernia repair
Cardboard cat carrier
Ear-tips (feral cats)
No charge
Nail trim
No charge

Additional Services:


It is recommended that you have your pet vaccinated at least two weeks prior to your spay/neuter appointment. Animals that have been vaccinated previously should be accompanied by proof of vaccination. Should you be unable to have this done in advance, vaccines can also be given at the time of surgery. We recommend that your pet have the following vaccines: Rabies vaccine (3 year), Feline Leukemia vaccine, FVRCP vaccine and DA2PP vaccine.

*Note: It is a legal requirement and strongly recommended that ALL animals be vaccinated for rabies regardless of whether or not they go outside. If your animal is currently vaccinated for rabies, proof of vaccination should accompany your pet at the time of surgery.

$27 provides your pet with a unique, permanent form of identification. All shelters and many vet offices have the ability to read microchips, and your animal would be returned to you safely and quickly should it become lost.
E-Collars / Surgical Onesies

We STRONGLY recommend that all animals be deterred from licking their surgical sites through the use of Elizabethan collars (e-collars) or surgical onesies. If your animal does lick, they can open their incision or cause infection, incurring additional veterinary costs.

E-collars can be purchased the morning of surgery for $16. (Note: If you choose to purchase your e-collar from a pet store, please ensure that when pushed back against your pet’s shoulders, the collar extends at least 1″ past his/her nose).

Surgical Onesies can be purchased on the morning of surgery for $31.


A deposit is due at the time of booking in order to obtain an appointment. Credit card payments can be made over the phone, and debit/Visa-debit/cash payments can be made in person, at our offices. Money orders can also be mailed, made payable to the Ontario SPCA (please include your phone number on the money order).

Next Steps

Please read the pre and post-operative instructions.


As an animal lover all the work you do

As an animal lover all the work you do to help ensure that every dog and cat can find their forever home that is filled with love is greatly appreciated.
