feral cats, feral cat, ontario SPCA, podcast, pawdcastThe Ontario SPCA and Humane Society developed feral cat support programs to assist feral cat caretakers in managing their colonies. As a direct result of animals left unaltered and abandoned, cat overpopulation is an issue across Ontario and has resulted in a staggering number of feral cats. A trap, neuter, vaccinate, return approach is the only economically viable and truly humane approach to feral cat population stabilization.

To assist feral cat caretakers in managing feral cat colonies, the Ontario SPCA has developed three innovative programs:

Feral Cat Trap Depot Program where the Society loans cat traps to feral cat caretakers at no charge, in an effort to trap, neuter, vaccinate and return feral cats to their managed colony and stabilize their population.

Free Feral Food Bank provides cat food to colony caretakers. Without the participation of the Ontario SPCA, the dedicated feral cat colony caretakers use their own personal funds to provide food for these cats that have been abandoned by society.

Feral Cat Shelters – a limited amount are made each fall by volunteers (or can be affordably made by anyone following the instructions below) for caretakers to provide a safe, warm place for their colonies during our cold, harsh winters.Our winter shelters are now available for pick up at each of our animal centres, and at our clinics in both Barrie and Stouffville.

Cat shelter flled with straw Cat shelter flled with straw

*76L tote filled with straw. 1 shelter will house 1 or 2 cats or mama and kittens

*Please note: The Community Cats Toronto Workshop certificate may be required for eligibility of certain programs. Please contact Monica Seto or call 905-898-7122 ext. 383 for further inquiry.

For more information on how to get involved in managing community cats in your area or to sign up for the TNR Workshop, “Trap-Neuter-Return: How to Manage a Feral Cat Colony”, please visit communitycats.ca.

Interested in supporting this program with a donation? Call 1-888-668-7722 x321 or make a donation here.


Feral Cat Winter Shelter Resources:

How to Build a Feral Cat Shelter 101
Feral Cat Shelter 2023

Other Feral Cat Resources:

Feral cats in your backyard – one caretaker’s story of finding and caring for a colony of feral cats behind her workplace
Toronto Feral Cat Coalition
Community Cats Toronto
Toronto Street Cats
Alley Cat Allies
Neighborhood Cats

Help us promote our Working Cat Program!  Click here to download the poster.