9 Things to Know Before Adopting a Bunny
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Pet Planning | September 5, 2024

Aren’t bunnies just the cutest? Although they make great companion animals , some considerations must first be taken into account before deciding to adopt a bunny.
Rabbits require gentle handling
Rabbits are quite delicate and frighten easily. If a rabbit isn’t handled correctly, the rabbit may kick, bite or scratch out of fear. When being picked up, rabbits need full support on their front and hindquarters, otherwise they can seriously injure their spine. Never pick up a rabbit by their ears, which is painful and can result in injury.
Not all rabbits get along
Before getting a second rabbit, it’s important that the two rabbits meet on neutral ground to make sure they get along. Rabbits housed in the same exercise pen or large cage need to be spayed/neutered to reduce aggressive behaviour and mating.
Rabbits love to chew
Rabbits don’t know the difference between good and bad things to chew. That’s why any area in the house that your rabbit can access needs to be rabbit proof. This means removing access to things that can harm them, like electrical cords, books or furniture. Give your rabbit something good to chew on, like cardboard boxes, chewing toys or rabbit-safe chew sticks.
Rabbits need regular exercise
Rabbits need space to run, jump and exercise, ideally in a playpen or rabbit-proofed room. For ideas on keeping your rabbit active, check out our tips for enrichment inside and outside their enclosure. It’s recommended that rabbits be given several hours for exercise per day.
Rabbits require a well-balanced diet
In addition to rabbit pellets, an important part of a rabbit’s diet is grass hay, such as timothy or brome, to keep their intestinal tract healthy. Rabbits need unlimited access to hay at all times. Rabbits also need leafy greens, such as dark leaf lettuces, collard greens, turnip greens and carrot tops.
Rabbits need their habitat cleaned regularly
Rabbits need their enclosure cleaned once or twice a week to keep their habitat sanitary and odour free. Remember not to use cedar or pine shavings to line their cage, since the fumes can make them sick. Also avoid clay cat litters. Choose wood shavings made from aspen.
Rabbits are indoor companions
Rabbits are too vulnerable to predators and too social to be isolated outside. Rabbits need to be kept indoors, but keep in mind that they frighten easily and shouldn’t be placed anywhere in the home that’s too noisy.
Rabbits need routine veterinary care
Like any other animal, rabbits need regular health exams from a veterinarian, ideally one that specializes in small mammals. Make sure you’re familiar with common health conditions affecting rabbits, as well as the warning signs that require emergency veterinary attention (e.g., diarrhea or anorexia).
Rabbits require brushing
Rabbits need routine brushing to keep their coat clean and free from mats. Use a soft bristle brush to brush their entire coat. Stay away from brushing around their face and belly. Occasionally, bunnies may pluck their own hair. Make sure to remove this plucked hair promptly to prevent the rabbit from eating it.
If you are interested in adopting a bunny, visit ontariospca.ca/adopt to view our animals currently available for adoption.
Rabbits provide great company and make great companion animals. With access to a healthy diet, a clean living space, fresh water, plenty of exercise, and mental stimulation, your rabbit can be a loving companion!
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