After being missing over four years, Pembroke cat is reunited with his family
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Happy Tails | August 23, 2018
When a stray cat was brought to the Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre, they never imagined it would lead to reuniting a family that’s been separated for four years.
At the end of July, a stray cat came into the care of the Renfrew County Animal Centre in Pembroke in rough shape. The cat was thin, he had an ear infection, and wounds on his body that indicated he may have been in fights with other animals.
“You could tell he had been fending for himself for awhile,” says Heather Jobe, Community Development Coordinator, Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Animal Centre.
Despite his rough appearance, staff at the centre could tell this cat had a sweet disposition. They started him on antibiotics immediately and some good, nutritious food. With some TLC the cat quickly improved and his story was shared on the animal centre’s Facebook page in the hope of locating his owner.

When the picture was shared, staff members were thrilled to see a visitor recognized the cat as their long-lost kitty. The individual came into the centre to see the cat, and after ensuring this cat was a match to her lost feline, “Ryder” went home to be with his family.
“There was an instant connection, and a real sense of disbelief and relief,” says Jobe.
Ryder’s family has a few other adopted pets, and well as kids, but his owner says he settled in right away.
“She says he just walked in like he had never been gone,” says Jobe.
But Jobe says this happy reunion could have happened sooner for Ryder had he been microchipped. When microchipped pets are brought into the centre, they are typically reunited with their owners, often within a day. In this case, they had to rely on social media to get the word out about this stray cat.
“It feels good to have played a big part in reuniting this guy with his family,” says Jobe.
I stand behind SPCA with my monthly gift
I stand behind SPCA with my monthly gift. I am so happy there are folks like you to care for those who can’t help themselves. My family and I have had animals all our lives and know what a comfort they are. Thank you SPCA.