Cat reunited with owner after 1 year apart – Importance of microchips
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Podcast | March 6, 2018

Lily never lost hope that her cat, Bot, would find his way home again. Now, after 1 year apart, Lily and Bot have been reunited, all thanks to a microchip.
Watch or listen our podcast to learn the whole story and to hear why microchips save lives! Subscribe to our channel and subscribe to our podcast FREE on iTunes.
In the first part of this podcast, we talk to Lily’s father Brandon LaFrance about the experience losing Bot and what it was like to get him back. In the second half, we interview Jenny McKee, arrivals counsellor at the Ontario SPCA about how microchips work and why they are so important.
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For every animal you save
For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.