Cecil finds a perfect place to call home

by | Happy Tails |

adoption, adopt
Cecil in the care of the Lennox and Addington Animal Centre.

Cecil was in rough shape when he first came into the care of the Ontario SPCA Lennox and Addington Animal Centre as a stray on May 31, 2018.

When he arrived at the centre, Cecil was suffering from hair loss on his head, a sore on his back leg, and a blind spot in one of his eyes, likely from an injury. As a result, he only has partial vision in one eye. While originally showing symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, a veterinary examination revaled poor Cecil had a mild chronic condition that, while not contagious, causes him to sneeze from time to time.

And if those challenges weren’t enough, a limp turned out to be a break in Cecil’s elbow joint. The veterinarian treating Cecil determined that the injury would never heal properly due to its location. To give him the best chance at a pain-free life, amputation was recommended.

Despite losing his one leg, Cecil bounced back quickly and became his same sweet self again. All of the staff were enamoured with him for his loving and sweet nature.

On November 5, after five months in our care, Cecil found his perfect match. Animal Centre staff say the family was so happy to have him! They were bubbling about all the things he would love at their house and how they will love cuddling with him.

We are so excited for Cecil and the new life ahead of him.


Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
