Celebrate your pet’s veterinary care team in the 2023 Veterinary Appreciation Contest

by | Campaigns Interesting |

Veterinary professionals help keep our furry friends happy and healthy, which is why we need to show them some love! From June 19-30, join the Ontario SPCA and participating SPCA and humane society locations across the province as we celebrate veterinary teams nominated by you. 

Read on to learn more about our Veterinary Appreciation Contest and what you can do to help your pet’s veterinary team care for your animals.  

Challenges facing the vet industry 

Communities throughout Ontario are experiencing shortages and delays in accessing veterinary care, putting the health and well-being of animals throughout the province at risk. We know that more people have welcomed pets into their family over the last couple of years, which means more demand placed on veterinary clinics. 

To help address the shortage of veterinary professionals, the University of Guelph and Lakehead University are working to expand the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program in Ontario. This will increase the number of veterinarians practicing in the province, particularly in the North. 

In support of this initiative, the Ontario SPCA asked its supporters to reach out to the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Colleges and Universities, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of the Treasury Board, to call for the funding of this program expansion.  

Thanks to the support of animal lovers across the province, the Provincial government has agreed to support the expansion of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program in Ontario. This expansion will increase veterinarian graduates by 20 per cent per year, which is a paws-itive step forward to give animal caregivers access to veterinary care.  

Show your appreciation 

We want you to help us celebrate the hard-working veterinary teams who keep our pets happy and healthy! 

The Veterinary Appreciation Contest was launched by the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society in partnership with participating SPCA and humane society locations across the province. It is a way for pet parents to recognize their local veterinary professionals who give so much. Show your veterinary team some love by nominating your pet’s veterinary clinic and encourage family and friends to vote to show their support. The veterinary clinic with the most votes will receive a plaque and a complimentary lunch for their staff. 

Enter your veterinary team here, and make sure to share with friends to increase your votes! 


Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
