How to de-skunk your dog
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | General Pet Care | July 19, 2019

Finding out your dog has been sprayed by a skunk is no fun for either of you and often leads to hours of bathing and clean up. So what is the easiest way to deal with that pungent skunk stench? The most common (and effective) household formulation for de-skunking animals was created by chemist Paul Krebaum in 1993.
In a bucket, mix together the following ingredients:
- 4 cups of hydrogen peroxide (3% strength)
- 1/4 cup of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of liquid hand soap
Then, bathe your pet with this solution and warm water. The hydrogen peroxide will strip the skunk’s oil from your pet’s coat, and the baking soda will neutralize the smell.
Most importantly, if you’re concerned the hydrogen peroxide will bleach your pet’s coat or leave their skin itchy, rinse the solution off right after using it on them.
In addition, if your dog happened to get inside and spread the smell before you could get to them, has you covered. They have a full list of solutions for fabrics, clothing, and even getting the lingering smell out of your house.
Some words of caution:
- Peroxide is a strong chemical agent. So do not lather your dog up or let it sit on your dog’s coat before washing it off.
- Keep the formula away from your pet’s eyes, mouth, ears and nose
- Do not let your pet swallow any of the skunk solution (it will almost immediately cause vomiting)
- Do not try to bottle the formula “for later” as peroxide is a reactive agent and can cause a minor explosion
Lastly, avoid pouring the leftover mix onto your lawn or plants. Your grass will bleach out in the sun and leave a giant pale spot amidst the lush greenery of the rest of your lawn.
Dogs only ask for your love and attention
Dogs only ask for your love and attention, nothing else. Thank you for everything you do!