Doberman puppy fights for his life, and a second chance

by | Happy Tails |

Cairo had a very uncertain future when he arrived at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of Ontario SPCA staff, a committed veterinary team, and Cairo’s determination, the 10-month-old Doberman puppy now has a second chance in a forever home. 

An uncertain future 

Cairo came into the care of the Ontario SPCA Sudbury & District Animal Centre after an ear-cropping surgery that nearly proved fatal – an unnecessary surgery for this sweet pup to endure. 

Cairo has Von Willebrand Disease, which is a type of blood-clotting disorder that resulted in his ears bleeding continuously after the surgery.  

“With this disease, the injuries can heal, but it does take a lot of time and a lot of care,” says Jaclyn Wozniak, manager at the Ontario SPCA Midland & District Animal Centre, where Cairo was transferred to continue his care. 

Cairo’s journey is truly a story of community collaboration. His condition required extensive care at a level the Ontario SPCA team couldn’t provide. A local veterinary team at Twin Lakes Veterinary Hospital in Orillia spoke up and said they would provide the care he needed. We are so grateful they could lead Cairo back to recovery. 

“Even though he was going through so much, and probably also in pain, he was such a happy dog,” says Wozniak. “He really won over the staff’s hearts, and also broke their hearts to see him in this state.” 

A battle for survival 

Daily care for Cairo, especially at the beginning, was very extensive. The animal care team at the Midland & District Animal Centre, along with Ontario SPCA RVT Jocelyn Rutgers, put countless hours into his recovery. This included changing bandages, watching for infections, providing enrichment, and generally working to help him be as comfortable and happy as possible. 

“A really big bond was built. It wasn’t just the staff really loving him; it was him really trusting the staff to make him better,” says Wozniak. 

When it came time to help Cairo find a home, the staff made sure potential adopters had as much information as possible regarding his condition before making a decision. In time, they found Cairo’s family – two nurses who were ready to support and love him unconditionally. 

“We were well aware of his bleeding condition before arriving and did research about what to expect. We are both nurses and are familiar with clotting disorders and felt even more sure he was meant to be ours,” says Victoria Fish, Cairo’s adopter. 

Bittersweet adoption day  

On his “going home day,” Wozniak says they tried to have as many staff present as possible to say goodbye. Wozniak says it was very emotional, but after all the sad tears cried throughout his recovery, it was healing for the staff to cry happy tears seeing him go to his forever home. 

“They all fought very hard for him,” Wozniak says. “His future was not always certain and the staff fought very hard to return him to health and give him a chance at a loving forever home.” 

One staff member, a part-time animal care attendant, even got a tattoo of Cairo. She was proud to show his adopters how deep of an impact Cairo had made on her life. 

“His loving nature is a testament to the staff at Midland,” says Fish. “Seeing him you would never know what he went through, besides his unique ears. I encourage anyone interested in having a pet to visit the SPCA.” 

Happy endings like this are only possible thanks to adopters who open their homes and hearts to animals in need. Would you consider adding a furry friend to your family? Visit our website to see animals currently available for adoption 


Wish to thank everyone involved

I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.
