Get to know Richard and his three cats!

by | Happy Tails |

Years ago, Richard visited one of our animal centres and adopted a beautiful black cat named Panther. It wasn’t much later that he found Bella, another cat, and welcomed her into his little family.

Things were going so well that when a scared and underweight cat began hanging around Richard’s home one winter, he couldn’t help but let the cat join his household. He named his newest companion Ghosty.

They pick me up when I am down,” Richard says of his feline friends. 

As a legacy donor to the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, Richard’s future gift left in his will ensures vulnerable animals can receive the care and love they deserve, long after he’s gone.

Remembering the Ontario SPCA in your will can be a beautiful way to leave a legacy and help animals. Visit our website to learn how your love for animals can live on.


Speaking for the ones who can’t speak for themselves

Keep up the good work speaking for the ones who can’t speak for themselves. A society who cares for their animals is a better society.  Thanks for your good work!
