Happy New Year 2018!

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Happy New Year! We hope it’s your best one yet. Heading into 2018, we wanted to share some tips to help you start the year off on the right paw! Here are some tips from our blog “Brush up” on your pet ownership in the New Year.

New Year’s Pet Ownership Tips

  • Schedule annual vaccinations now. If you usually have your pet’s annual vaccinations or health checkup in the spring, take a minute to call your vet, book the appointment and schedule it (with reminders) in your calendar.
  • new year, new years, 2018,
    photo credit: Pascal Rey Photographies _DSC8443_S&G_v1 via photopin (license)

    Do a quick inventory of your pet’s wellbeing. You don’t need to be a vet to note any obvious changes in your pet. Are they eating and drinking well? Have they lost or gained weight? Do you have any concerns about their elimination habits? Any major changes in your pet’s appearance or habits should be addressed by your vet.

  • Get ready for a fresh start in the New Year! Wash your pet’s belongings (if appropriate), such as food and water bowls, and bedding.
  • Give your pet a good groom. Your pet will appreciate a thorough brushing or bath, and take a few minutes to trim your pet’s nails if your pet will allow.
  • Inspect and replace pet toys. Look for excessive wear, missing pieces or any loose parts that your pet could swallow or choke on,  sharp edges or even mould or decay inside of bones or chew toys.
  • Tidy your pet’s elimination area. Freshen up your cat’s litter box and surrounding area, and wash any soft towels or carpeting in the space. If there is a break in cold winter temperatures, consider cleaning the yard of animal feces instead of waiting until the spring.
  • Renew your pet’s ID tags for 2018. Many municipalities have online services to make the renewal process quick and easy. ID tags help animal control and shelters easily identify your cat or dog as a pet and not a stray, and provide important additional information.
  • Update your pet’s microchip info. If you’ve moved or have a new phone number, call your pet’s microchip provider such as 24PetWatch to update your personal information in the event your pet is lost.

Take the time to “brush up” on the health and wellbeing of your pet by bringing your pet ownership skills up to par for 2016 and beyond!


Thank you so much for all you do

Thank you so much for all you do every day to rescue animals in need. I can’t imagine the terrible situations that you see every day.  It is great that you have the heart to help. Keep up the good work.
