Happy tails and new beginnings for the holidays

by | Happy Tails |

For senior dogs like Quincy, it’s not always easy to find the right forever home. But with love, patience, and a lot of heart – anything is possible.

Quincy’s story

Quincy is a 12-year-old Beagle who came into the care of the Ontario SPCA Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Animal Centre in Cornwall after his elderly parent could no longer care for him. He had severe anxiety, a thyroid condition, and required dental work. The animal care team knew it would not be easy to find the right home for Quincy, but they never lost hope!

“Quincy had high anxiety, so we had difficulty showing potential adopters how great of a dog he could be,” says Sophie Lemay, an Animal Care Attendant with the Ontario SPCA SD&G Animal Centre. “He was always friendly to everyone, happy-go-lucky- type, and had very high energy for a senior dog.”

While there were many potential adopters interested in Quincy, no one was bringing him home. That is, until Arthur came along!  After having recently lost his furry companion of 14 years, Quincy had caught Arthur’s eye on the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society adoption website.

“I needed Quincy more than he needed me,” Arthur says.

It didn’t take long for the care staff, Arthur, and Quincy, to know this was the perfect fit.

A forever home for Quincy

Quincy’s first night home, Arthur says the dog jumped on the bed, found his spot to settle in, and slept all night. No anxiety.  He says it was as though Quincy had lived there his entire life. Arthur soon had his entire family over to meet Quincy. He was the dog that the animal centre care team knew he could be – happy, bubbly, and affectionate.

“Now that we’ve had him for three weeks, he’s fit in so well. He keeps my wife company during the day. He plays with his toys, loves the backyard,” Arthur says. “He has a lot of energy, like a young dog, and is well-behaved.”

Arthur says adopting Quincy is the best decision he and his wife could have made. They are a perfect fit for each other. Not only did Quincy find a forever home with Arthur’s family, but he filled a space in their hearts as well.

“I’ve been doing animal care work for almost 15 years and I can tell you, I will remember Quincy,” says Sophie. “You always wonder what they’re thinking when they leave the animal centre and I bet Quincy thought he hit the jackpot!”

Adopting senior animals

Senior animals come into the care of the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society to be rehomed for a variety of reasons. Whether the animal’s previous parents are moving into a care home, have passed away, or simply are unable to care for their animal anymore, we’re here for them.

Senior animals are often overlooked by adopters and tend to stay in animal centres longer. However, many people who have chosen to adopt an older companion will tell you that senior furry family members seem to understand the second chance you are giving them and form a special bond with their new family!

Learn more about the benefits of adopting senior animal companions, and about adopting an animal during the holidays here: iadopt.ca

iAdopt for the Holidays

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s iAdopt for the Holidays campaign, presented by Swiffer®, runs until Dec. 31 at Ontario SPCA and Humane Society animal centres across the province to celebrate adoption and find loving forever homes for as many animals as possible. Learn more here: iadopt.ca


Wish to thank everyone involved

I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.
