Healthy portions: Tips to dial in your pet’s nutrition
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | General Pet Care | April 5, 2022
Today we’re sharing a helpful resource from our friends at Royal Canin Canada to help your furry friend maintain an optimal weight, which will help them stay healthy.
What is a healthy portion size? Think of what you use to measure your pet’s food. Is it a coffee mug? A yogurt container? It’s important to remember that not all are the same in terms of how much food they will hold, or their accuracy. Even how much you scoop can vary from day to day, meaning your pet isn’t always getting the same amount of food.
Here’s what you need to know about how to create a tailored feeding plan for your pet, and how to stick with it to ensure they are getting the right amount every day.
Wish to thank everyone involved
I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.