New Year’s Eve safety tips for your furry friend

by | General Pet Care |

We made it! 2021 is just around the corner, and though many celebrations may not be the same as last year, you can still celebrate at home with your family! As we get ready for the countdown on New Year’s Eve, here are some safety tips to keep in mind for your companion animal.

  • Don’t be afraid to have your furry friends around for the festivities! What you need to be aware of is if the noise or excitement is overwhelming them.
Safe space
  • While having your furry friends around might be good for some, other furry friends might need a quiet space. Create a safe zone where they can retreat to if the excitement gets too much for them. Make sure to keep fresh water in the safe space and some toys to keep them occupied.
  • You’ll probably have special treats and delicacies around for you and your family– don’t leave your companion animal out! Put aside some of their favourite treats for the night. If you have some extra time, make your furry friend some treats!
  • Don’t let your furry friend lose out because of the excitement of the day! Your dog will still need an evening walk or play, as usual. If they can’t wear out their energy as normal, your furry family member might get over-excited. Make it a fun outing and take the whole family on a walk.
  • If there is going to be alcohol involved in your night, it is important you keep your furry friends away from it. Alcohol can be very toxic for them and the last thing you want is to ring in the new year with a trip to the emergency vet.
Countdown rules
  • When you’re counting down to the New Year, keep your furry friends away from the confetti. Strings of thrown confetti can get lodged in a cat’s intestines, perhaps necessitating surgery.
  • Noisy poppers can also terrify your furry friends and cause possible damage to sensitive ears. All that said, be sure to secure your companion animals in a safe, escape-proof area as midnight approaches if you plan on using either of these to celebrate.

Enjoy the fun and keep your furry friends safe and happy while ringing in the New Year!


Dogs only ask for your love and attention

Dogs only ask for your love and attention, nothing else. Thank you for everything you do!
