Northern Dog Transfer story, Charlie: A Thanksgiving Miracle

by | Northern projects |

The Lindbergs lost their beloved family dog last May and after a grieving their loss they felt it was time to adopt again.

Charlie, northern dogs, northern dog
Charlie at the Animal Centre.

Despite multiple visits to the Ontario SPCA Orillia Animal Centre, they struggled to find their perfect pooch.

Serendipitously, over Thanksgiving weekend, their dream dog, a husky-cross named Charlie, was one of 48 dogs and puppies, who made their journey south to the Orillia Animal Centre to be adopted through the Ontario SPCA.

Two-year-old Charlie arrived in Orillia with a dislocated hip, which required surgery.

When Ann Lindberg laid eyes on Charlie for the first time, he was recovering from surgery and was wearing a cone around his neck, “He looked so forlorn and bewildered, and I thought, ‘Poor thing, I want to take him home and give him some love and attention’,” she said.

Since his surgery, Charlie is regaining the use of his hip. Ann does prescribed exercises with him every day in order to strengthen the joint.

Charlie is currently being fostered-to-adopt by the Lindberg’s, and they are overjoyed to have another dog in their home.

“He’s a sweetheart,” Ann says, “I believe every animal gives unconditional love, so why can’t we do the same and offer a loving home?”

Many barriers exist in the North that do not exist in the South. In remote Northern communities, resources and access to animal wellness services, such as veterinarians, are often limited.

northern dogs, northern dog, transfer transfers
Charlie in his foster-to-adopt home.

“It is so important to find a home for Northern dogs, especially when we have a dog like Charlie that needed extra assistance. Then to watch him go into a home like the Lindberg’s – it’s the best feeling for everyone here,” said Carol Beard, Ontario SPCA Orillia Animal Centre manager.

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Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
