Olivia’s on the road to recovery
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Interesting | December 16, 2022

At just around six weeks old, Olivia was found all alone, suffering from a badly injured and infected leg. A concerned citizen brought her to the Ontario SPCA Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Animal Centre in Cornwall where the animal care team sprang into action to help this little kitten.
“She actually was quite amazing after her surgery; a real little warrior. Nothing was going to stop her,” recalls Carol Link, Manager at the Ontario SPCA Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Animal Centre. “She had a spark in her eyes even before, and even with her injury! A sorry sight, but she knew she was going to beat all the odds.”
Injured and infected leg needs amputation
Despite the quick actions of her rescuer, the Ontario SPCA team and the veterinarians treating her, Olivia’s leg was far too badly injured and infected to be saved. She had to have the leg amputated. Once she recovered from the amputation, Olivia was placed in a foster family and was brought to her new home.
Recovering in a foster-to-adopt home
“When I came across her, I immediately knew she was the one,” says Victoria. She has been fostering Olivia and plans to adopt her once the kitten has fully recovered and is ready to officially find her loving forever home. Despite everything she has been through, Olivia doesn’t let only having three legs slow her down.
Never too small to play
She loves to run around and play every chance she gets. Frequent naps between play sessions keep her energized and she has proven to be very resourceful. To get up on the bed, she uses a wicker basket to climb up since she is too small still to make the jump. Sitting in the windowsills to watch what is happening outside is her favourite pastime.
In the mornings, Olivia likes to wake Victoria up by playing with her feet or by jumping on her head. Victoria certainly hasn’t needed an alarm clock since welcoming Olivia home!
Filling her new home with love and laughter
“I feel Olivia adds so much love, joy and laughter into my home,” says Victoria. “Olivia is like my little best friend. She follows me everywhere around the apartment. She has to be playing in the same room that I’m in. She likes to try to help with the housework. She’s on the bed when I’m trying to make it. She like to play in the laundry when it’s being folded. When I’m sweeping she likes to attack the broom. She adds so much character to our home together.”
Despite her rough start, Olivia is thriving thanks to the care she received and her new family.
Foster animals in need
Fostering animals in need is a rewarding experience for the volunteer and a critical source of support for our animal centres. To give vulnerable animals the best opportunity at the second chance they deserve, we’re asking anyone who can help to join our foster volunteer team.
For more information on our foster volunteer program, please visit ontariospca.ca/foster
How is the Ontario SPCA funded?
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is a registered charity that relies on the generosity of our supporters to operate. The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society does not receive any government funding.
What’s the difference between a Non-Profit and a Registered Charity?
Registered charities are charitable organizations, public foundations, or private foundations that are created and resident in Canada. They must use their resources for charitable activities and have charitable purposes.
Non-profit organizations are associations, clubs, or societies that are not charities and are organized and operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, recreation, or any other purpose except profit.
Thank you for your dedication
Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals. Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally. Just imagine a day without animal cruelty. What a wonderful day that would be!