Pip is January’s Happy Tails story!

by | Happy Tails |

If you have the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s 2021 calendar up on your wall, you may recognize a sweet little dog named Pip. The 12-year-old dog was the sole companion for his pet parent, Marg. They were best friends and his kisses kept her spirits high as she faced some difficult health challenges.

Unfortunately, Pip’s health also started failing. When he stopped eating, Marg learned that he had 16 teeth that urgently needed to be removed. It was a costly procedure she simply couldn’t afford.

Marg’s family came to us for help. Through our Urgent Animal Care Fund, and with the help of the Niagara SPCA and Humane Society, Pip received lifesaving surgery. Once he recovered, we were able to bring him home to Marg.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you have done for Pip. Mom was so excited to see him – having Pip home put a huge smile on her face,” says Belinda, Marg’s daughter.

Sadly, Marg passed away shortly after. It warms our hearts to know that we could help Pip so that he could provide comfort and love to Marg in her final days. He is now Belinda’s companion and a reminder of her late mother. Happy Tails like this are only possible through the generosity of our animal-loving donors.

As we head into another year, please join Operation Pet Rescue and become a monthly donor to bring more families together, just like Marg and Pip.


Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
