Save animals by doing something sweet: National Cupcake Day™ for SPCAs and Humane Societies

by | Campaigns |

It’s a busy time of year, getting back into the swing of things in 2018.

Here are a few ways you can support National Cupcake Day™ in support of SPCA’s and Humane Societies across Canada this year!

Ways to support National Cupcake Day™

  1. national cupcake day, cupcakes, cupcakeStudents: Run a bake sale at your school! Your friends and teachers will love the baked goods, and you’ll love seeing support roll in for animals in need!
  2. Create a team with family and friends: Get ready for National Cupcake Day™ by setting up your team now and start fundraising!
  3. Purchase cupcakes from your local Ontario SPCA to thank friends or co-workers: See if you local Ontario SPCA animal centre is selling cupcakes, then buy some for friends or co-workers.

Tips for fundraising at work:

Host a party

  • cupcakes, cupcake, cupcake day, holiday party
    photo credit: tannazie pink cupcakes via photopin (license)

    Email your co-workers to tell them about the event you’re planning.

  • Promote the event in your workplace with posters supplied in your Host Kit or on our resources page.
  • Host a raffle or auction with prizes donated by your company.
  • Have an old fashioned bake-off based on taste, creativity and skill.
  • Challenge another department or floor to see who can raise the most donations for the animals. The winner gets bragging rights!

Organize a bake sale

Who doesn’t like a good bake sale? Bake some treats for your co-workers, and let them know in advance so they can prepare to donate for the goodies!

Try having different departments hold National Cupcake Days™ each week throughout January and February.

About National Cupcake Day

National Cupcake Day™ is a coordinated Canadian event to support local shelters, SPCAs, and Humane Societies. The event is supported by the Ontario SPCA and BC SPCA on behalf of participating local shelters, SPCAs, and Humane Societies.

Each year thousands of abused, abandoned and neglected animals across Canada are rescued by SPCAs and Humane Societies. The funds you raise for National Cupcake Day™ will have a significant impact on the shelters, clinics and animal cruelty inspectors in your community, ensuring that their life-saving work continues.

Register today and start fundraising!:

“Bake” a difference and organize your office party today!


Your dedication and support

It is with and because of your dedication and support that helpless animals are being saved. Thank you for everything.
