September Animal Rescue Story – Foster Kittens
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Happy Tails | September 2, 2019

Jellybean, Gumdrop and Wonka were surrendered to the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society last year. At the time, they were too young to be put up for adoption, and needed foster care.
A few animal lovers in our community stepped up and took the kittens into their home and cared for them during this crucial stage of development.
All three kittens have since found their fur-ever home and are purr-fect examples of why animal foster care for is so important.
The Foster Program benefits animals who have a good chance of adoption, but who are either too young, sick, injured, under socialized or emotionally stressed to thrive in an Animal Centre environment. Instead, animals are cared for and rehabilitated in a nurturing foster home.
You can change the life of an animal in need by joining our team of foster volunteers and opening your home and heart to a foster friend.
Learn more about the program and apply to be a foster volunteer, here:
Foster Manual – Cats & Kittens
Foster Manual – Dogs & Puppies
Totally rock
All of your wonderful staff & volunteers totally rock. The amazing compassion and work you provide on a daily basis is incredible.