Share your pet’s photo & tell us who you’re walking for this year!
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Contests | September 13, 2018
We all have inspiration for why we want to raise funds and walk in the Ontario SPCA Friends for Life! Walk™ event! Who is yours?
Upload a photo and tell us who you’re walking for this year! Your photo inspiration could inspire others to walk to save animals.
Encourage friends & family to enter too! Together, we can make a real difference – one step at a time.
UPLOAD YOUR PHOTO HERE! AND share it with your friends.

Find a Friends for Life ! Walk™ near you!
Join us for a walk over the weekend of Saturday September 22 and Sunday September 23, 2018! Whether you bring your furry friend or not, it’s sure to be a fun time.
Walks are held on either day, so be sure to check with your local participating SPCA or Humane Society for their specific walk details.
More than just a fundraising walk, the Friends for Life! Walk is a fun-filled day that offers something for everyone. From barbecues and live music to pet vendors and activities for the kids, it’s the purr-fect way to spend a day with friends and family who share a love of animals.
This event is your opportunity to help the thousands of animals at the Ontario SPCA, who are waiting to find their own friend for life!
Speaking for the ones who can’t speak for themselves
Keep up the good work speaking for the ones who can’t speak for themselves. A society who cares for their animals is a better society. Thanks for your good work!