Smart.Vet partnership Q&A: What’s this program all about?

by | General Pet Care Interesting |

What is telehealth veterinary care and how does it work? Since announcing our partnership with Smart.Vet, we’ve received that question from many curious pet parents who want to ensure they have every resource available to keep their furry family members happy and healthy.

Smart.Vet is a telehealth veterinary service the Ontario SPCA has partnered with to give its animal centre staff and volunteer foster families virtual access to veterinarians. This is to ensure animals always have the best care possible without the stress of travelling, regardless of their location, or the time of day when a health concern arises.

Visit the Smart.Vet website for more information on how to use the telehealth service, and ways it may be beneficial to the care of your animal.

Here are some of the commonly asked questions we’ve heard about our partnership with Smart.Vet:

Is this service available to the public?

Yes, pet parents can pay a fee to access Smart.Vet and consult with a veterinarian without having to leave their home. Pet parents may find this useful if there is a concern for their pet’s health after hours when veterinary clinics are closed, or if veterinary care is far away.

How much does the service cost?

A breakdown of service options can be found on the Smart.Vet website.

Should I still have a regular veterinarian?

Yes! The Smart.Vet telehealth veterinary service is designed to complement routine veterinary care, not replace a regular relationship with a local veterinarian. Wherever possible, we will continue to work with our local veterinarians who have always provided exceptional care for the animals in our centres. We also encourage any pet parents using the service to establish a relationship with their local veterinarian.

Can I use Smart.Vet during an emergency?

Emergency situations should be directed to your local veterinarian or after-hours emergency hospital. If you are unsure if you should take your pet to an emergency hospital right away or wait until your regular veterinarin is available, Smart.Vet can help with that. It’s one of the most common questions the telehealth provider reports people seek their assistance with.

How does this partnership with Smart.Vet benefit the Ontario SPCA?

By working with Smart.Vet, we can give Ontario SPCA animal centre staff and volunteer foster families virtual access to veterinarians. This will ensure our animals always have the best care possible, without the stress of travelling, regardless of their location, or the time of day when a health concern arises.

Should a foster animal become ill, or if there is a concern for the animal’s health after hours when veterinary clinics are closed, Ontario SPCA foster parents can access Smart.Vet and consult with a veterinarian without having to leave their home.

Interested in learning about this service for your family? Visit Smart.Vet to learn all about it.


Wish to thank everyone involved

I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.
