Sweat for Pets was a huge success – Thanks to you!

by | Campaigns Sweat for Pets |

Our Sweat for Pets campaign was a huge success this year – thanks to you! We’re putting down the weights and dabbing the sweat from our brows, as the Sweat for Pets campaign comes to an end.  Tails are still wagging because it is time to celebrate! 

An amazing 357 participants were inspired to get active and help animals in need by registering for Sweat for Pets. Together they reached out to friends and family for support to help furry friends across Ontario! Today, Sweat for Pets has surpassed our $100,000 milestone goal, which means hundreds of animals have been given a second chance!

A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated and donated.  YOU made a difference for animals in need in your local communities when they needed it most. Thank you for making this year’s Sweat For Pets campaign such a success!

With love,

The Sweat for Pets crew

sweat for pets successsweat for pets sweat for pets

P.S. The fun isn’t over yet- who will be our Top Fundraiser and win FREE FOOD from Royal Canin for a year?  Winners will be announced on our social pages on September 30th!


As an animal lover all the work you do

As an animal lover all the work you do to help ensure that every dog and cat can find their forever home that is filled with love is greatly appreciated.
