August 13, 2020

Cannabis and pets: the risks of THC

It was a typical Wednesday at the Goldson residence. Lynda was outside cleaning up the yard, while her dogs, Bruce and Jasper, played nearby.
April 13, 2020

Pet Care Isolation Check List

Guest post by Jennifer Toof, Manager, Programs and Education, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society  As much as staying home during COVID-19 can…
April 3, 2020

Helping your pet adjust to a new routine

During this challenging time, many of us who are able, are physically distancing by staying home. This means more time with pets and a pretty…
September 30, 2019

Pumpkin-flavoured goodies: Are they right for your pet?

The pumpkin-flavoured season is starting earlier every year! Are you and your pets ready? In this blog post, Dave Wilson, senior director of Shelter Health…
August 20, 2019

What do you know about ticks in Ontario?

Summer is a great time to enjoy the great outdoors with your pet – but with ticks and Lyme disease spreading in Ontario, how can…
July 19, 2019

How to de-skunk your dog

Finding out your dog has been sprayed by a skunk is no fun for either of you and often leads to hours of bathing and…
July 1, 2019

Pet safety tips for Canada Day weekend

We want you to enjoy Canada Day festivities with your pet this year! Follow these simple pet safety tips to ensure everyone is having a…
June 27, 2019

Off-leash dog parks : When is my dog ready?

Summer season means lots of time to play outside and enjoy being with our pets! But what about in off-leash dog parks? How to introduce…
June 24, 2019

How to make a stress-free vet visit with your cat

Taking your cat to the vet can be a stressful time for everyone. Your cat is being exposed to unfamiliar territory, and you may be…
May 21, 2019

How to trim your pet’s nails – Step-by-step video!

Ever wondered how to properly trim your pet’s nails? In this video, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society Registered Veterinary Technician, Darci, walks us through how…
April 25, 2019

How to pet-proof your new home

Moving is one of life’s great stressors. First the packing, the chaos, the boxes, the logistics and then the unpacking, the renovating, the organizing, and the decorating! It overwhelms the best of us, but imagine how it makes our pets feel! Read on for tips from the ASPCA’s blog post: Moving Your Pet.


We have supported the OSPCA since 1951

We have supported OSPCA since our arrival in Canada in 1951.  Keep up the greatest  T.L.C. for animals.

-Paul & Des