Ten tips for taking your cat to the vet
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Interesting | November 9, 2021

Does your cat sense when it’s time for a vet visit and hide? Can getting your cat in their carrier be challenging? Today, we’re sharing some tips from our friends at Royal Canin to help you when taking your cat to the veterinarian.
Vet visits with your cat
It’s an experience commonly shared with us, that furry companions dislike going to the vet. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Regular vet visits are important for the maintenance of your animal’s health and wellbeing. The key is to make the experience of going to see the vet as seamless, pleasant, and fear free as possible for your cat.
Here are 10 travel tips when bringing your cat to your local veterinary practice, shared by Royal Canin.
For more tips, check out visiting your vet during a pandemic with Royal Canin’s Dr. Allan Corber.
We hope you found these tips helpful! Subscribe to our channel on YouTube for more great content.
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Thank you for looking after these animals — I would love to have them all in my house!