Thank you for making National Cupcake Day™ so sweet!

by | Campaigns |

It’s officially the sweetest day of the year! Today is National Cupcake Day™, and SPCA’s, Humane Societies, and rescues from across the country are still accepting donations that will go directly into helping the animals in their local communities.

We’ve already been hearing success stories from across Canada thanks to your generous donations! Because of donors who support National Cupcake Day™, one of our participating societies was able to save the lives of not one, not three, not five, but six cats all at once!

Cupcake and her kittens

After receiving a call from a local vet clinic about a birthing cat, one local animal centre bravely stepped up to take responsibility for the mama who was in dire need of surgery. She had already given birth to four kittens over the course of two days but was unable to continue the birth herself. It was not certain if the mama cat or any remaining kittens would survive the surgery as she was in grave condition.

Soon afterwards, the clinic delivered some outstanding news. Mom came through surgery well and there was a baby they discovered that was still alive! After recovering in the animal centre, the mama and her five kittens were placed into a foster home, where they continue to grow healthier and stronger every day.

And the sweetest part? In honour of the fundraising event that provided the funds used to saved that new mom’s life, we have named the mama Cupcake, and her babies Sprinkles, Sugar, Pudding, Marshmallow and Candy. If you have not already, please consider making a donation to the participating society of your choice in National Cupcake Day™ before our 2021 event has come to an official close! There are thousands of stories across Canada just like Cupcake’s, and so many more animals that can be helped with just a small donation.

Sincerely, THANK YOU for making National Cupcake Day™ a tremendous success again in 2021. Thank you to all the local bakeries who generously donated proceeds from their sales, thank you to every single person who made cupcakes and participated in our first ever Decorating Contest, thank you to everyone who fundraised and donated and thank you to all of you for caring about animals like Cupcake and her kittens.

Enjoy National Cupcake Day™, and remember, calories don’t count when you are enjoying a sweet treat while supporting animals in need!

national cupcake day, thank you,


Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
