The history of Animals’ Voice Magazine and Pawdcast

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If you can believe it, this year the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is celebrating its 150th anniversary! As we reflect on this milestone anniversary, we are sharing some fun details and explaining what the organization does and how it operates. Today we want to share some history about our Animals’ Voice Magazine-turned paw-dcast! 

Animals’ Voice Magazine 

It has been many years since the Ontario SPCA began publishing content to support animal wellness in the province.  

Pictured here is an example of The Animals’ Voice magazine which was published as early as 1930. This particular example is from back in the winter of 1965! 

The magazine was a resource to share updates about animal welfare and evolved into a “pawdcast” and blog over the years. 

Creating a podcast 

After a successful run as a magazine, Animals’ Voice efforts were turned to a new avenue of communications: podcasts! Launching in 2013, Animals’ Voice Pawdcast covered a wide range of topics. These included animal care tips, interviews with fellow animal wellness advocates from organizations in other provinces and the United States, as well as stories of the incredible impact animals have on people. 

If you’re curious to hear some of the content, you can still find it here! 

Communications today 

Today you can primarily find stories of animal impact, community engagement, and more, here on our blog, as well as our social media pages! You can also sign up for our virtual newsletter to be in the know about current news, advocacy, animal care tips, and more. Sign up here! 


We have supported the OSPCA since 1951

We have supported OSPCA since our arrival in Canada in 1951.  Keep up the greatest  T.L.C. for animals.

-Paul & Des