Tips for your pets to prevent weight gain this winter

by | General Pet Care |

It’s officially the First Day of Winter! So we thought it was topical to share these tips from our blog Four tips to help your pet(s) prevent winter weight gain!

Here are those four tips to help keep your pet(s) from gaining weight this winter:

  1. winter, weight gain
    photo credit: adina*raul the dog days via photopin (license)

    Create an Exercise Plan: Create an exercise plan for your pet(s) for winter months. This can include activities, games and exercises that can be done both indoors and out. Aim for shorter, more frequent walks and on days when it’s too cold for outdoor activities, enjoy indoor games with your pet like tug-of-war or fetch! Check out this blog for more indoor activity ideas.

  2. Make it Fun: The more excited you are about being outdoors for play time, the more excited your pet will be to participate in these activities with you. Who knows, you may also enjoy yourself too!
  3. Reduce your pet(s) treat intake: It can be tempting to treat your pet more frequently during the winter when you’re tempted to have more treats yourself, but this may not be the healthiest choice for your pet since treats are usually higher in sugar and fats than regular dog food. By reducing the amount of treats your pet receives, you can help your pet maintain a healthy weight throughout  the cold months. Remember that your pet appreciates a pat on the head or a word of praise as much as a treat and these are non-fattening!
  4. Talk to your veterinarian: If your pet tends to be less active during winter months, talk to your veterinarian. Together, you can ensure your pet is consuming the proper calorie intake and adjust your pets’ diet accordingly (if needed). Your veterinary team may also have exercise tips to keep your pet healthy.

While out enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland with your pet(s), be mindful of your pet and their whereabouts as well as the amount of time you are spending outside. This will help prevent the risk of frostbite, and hypothermia and ensure they are not near any winter toxins such as antifreeze. Be sure to clean and dry your pet(s) feet once back inside to ensure there is no ice or salt stuck in their pads which can cause irritation, pain and intestinal upset if swallowed.

With these tips, you’re ready to stay healthy, and enjoy the winter wonderland with your pet!


Hats off to you

To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.
