What colours do dogs see?
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Dog Care | October 28, 2024

Have you ever wished you could spend a day in your dog’s shoes – ahem – paws? While we can’t help you conjure a Freaky Friday situation, we can help you understand how your pooch sees the world!
Although dogs don’t see the world in as many colours as we do, they do still see in colour.
How does it work?
Humans see in colour because our brains respond to stimuli that are produced when incoming light reacts with specialized types of photoreceptor cells in the eye’s retina called “cones”. When these cone cells are triggered, they send a signal to the brain, which we perceive as a particular colour.
According to an article by Pet MD, humans possess three types of cones, while dogs only possess two. This means their ability to perceive colours is limited compared to the human eye.
Dogs have blue and yellow photoreceptors, also known as cones. On the other hand, humans have red, blue and yellow cones. This means dogs can see blue and yellow best.
What colours do dogs see?
Dogs cannot see all the colours of the rainbow. According to the ASPCA, what humans process as red, orange, yellow or green can appear as different concentrations of yellow to dogs. Blue-green, blue and violet appear as saturations of blue. Colours like green or red are indistinguishable. This effectively means that they are red-green colourblind.
According to a post by Pet MD, humans are able to see more colours and fine detail in well-lit environments, but dogs have the upper hand when it comes to low light situations. This is because canines have more rod photoreceptors needed to see in dim lighting in the middle of their retinas. Dogs also have a tapetum lucidum (like a biological reflector system) that reflects light through their retinas twice—this helps them see better in dark or dim lighting. It’s why we can see a dog’s eyes shining in the dark.
Have you ever noticed your dog tracking something in the distance, especially in dim light, and thought, ‘what are they looking at?’ This is due to the fact that dogs’ overabundance of rod photoreceptors helps them pick up movement more readily than humans can.
Hopefully this helps you understand your pooch a bit better! While we have different strengths when it comes to eyesight, dogs generally experience the world in a similar way to their pet parents.
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Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals. Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally. Just imagine a day without animal cruelty. What a wonderful day that would be!