What kind of legacy will you leave?: Make a Will month
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Campaigns | November 19, 2019

November is the Ontario Bar Association’s Make A Will Month! To help you learn about the importance of making a will, we’re reposting this podcast about leaving a legacy for Make a Will month.
In this podcast we spoke with Kate Turoczi, manager of Planned Giving at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. She shares why you should get a Will, what happens without one, and how you can support your favourite charities in your Will.
For more information, contact Turoczi at 905-898-7122 , 324 or email kturoczi@ospca.on.ca
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Thank you for your dedication
Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals. Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally. Just imagine a day without animal cruelty. What a wonderful day that would be!