Who can you call about orphaned/injured wildlife?

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This time of year, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society receives many calls about orphaned and injured wildlife – and this year is no different. We want to ensure you have all the information you need to help wildlife in distress. 

Important note 

Whenever young animals or birds are found, an attempt should be made to reunite them with their mother. Parents provide the best care for young wildlife. When young are inadvertently removed from their parents, it decreases the likelihood that they will survive, even with expert human care.  

Each wildlife species has its own specific needs and requires specialized care to recover. 

Who can you call? 

If you find wildlife that appears sick, injured or orphaned, don’t remove it from its natural habitat. Call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator who can help you assess the situation and provide advice on what to do next. 

Click here for the provincial list of authorized wildlife rehabilitators. 

Some larger municipalities have animal control services that will respond to calls concerning wildlife. Contact your municipality to determine if there are animal control services in place, and what types of animal calls they have the capacity to handle.   

In cases of suspected animal cruelty 

In the province of Ontario, the government’s Provincial Animal Welfare Services agency investigates animal cruelty concerns. Animal welfare concerns can be reported by calling 1-833-9-ANIMAL (264625). You can also call your local police services. The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society does not have the legal authority to investigate animal cruelty concerns. 

Visit ontario.ca to learn more about animal welfare concerns.   


Thank you for looking after these animals

Thank you for looking after these animals — I would love to have them all in my house!
