Welcome to the Ontario SPCA’s Election Toolkit.
Ontario voters go to the polls on February 27th and the Ontario SPCA wants to make sure that animal welfare is a top election issue. You can use the tools here to contact the main political parties and your local candidates to share your thoughts on the importance of animal welfare and make sure that it is front and centre this election.
Here’s how you can help:
Send an email to the major party leaders
Email party leaders directly
You can contact the major party leaders and send them a letter, using the sample text below or with your own thoughts on animal welfare. You can also cc election@ontariospca.ca.
- Doug Ford, Leader, PC Party of Ontario info@ontariopc.com
- Marit Stiles, Leader, Ontario NDP info@ontariondp.ca
- Bonnie Crombie, Leader, Liberal Party of Ontario info@ontarioliberal.ca
- Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario leader@gpo.ca
- CC election@ontariospca.ca
Sample text:
“Dear Party Leaders,
85% of Ontarians believe animal welfare is a serious issue in the province and there are many urgent actions the government needs to take to improve animal welfare in Ontario.
These actions include:
- Addressing Ontario’s veterinary care shortage and other barriers to veterinary access.
- Drafting detailed regulations on standards of care, facilities, advertising, and record-keeping that will make the PUPS Act an effective tool for eliminating unethical dog breeding and puppy mills.
- Following through on the provincial government’s commitment to a consultation on unnecessary and cosmetic veterinary procedures, and bringing Ontario in line with the rest of Canada in banning or regulating procedures such as feline declawing, ear-cropping and tail-docking, and devocalizations
- Updating the Dog Owners Liability Act to remove the province’s ban on pit bulls, and to make other changes that will better protect animals and the public, with a greater emphasis on owner responsibility.
As an Ontario resident who cares deeply about animal welfare in this province, I am urging you to commit to action on these issues following the current provincial election. “
Contact your local candidates
Take action using New/Mode
85% of Ontarians believe animal welfare is a serious issue in the province and there are many urgent actions the government needs to take to improve animal welfare in Ontario. Add your voice by sending a letter directly to your local candidates through New/Mode!
Add Your Voice to the campaign
Email candidates directly
You can contact your local candidates and send them a letter, using the sample text below or with your own thoughts on animal welfare. You can also cc election@ontariospca.ca. To find information about your local candidates, including their names and contact information visit this link.
Sample text:
“85% of Ontarians believe animal welfare is a serious issue in the province and there are many urgent actions the government needs to take to improve animal welfare in Ontario.
These actions include:
- Addressing Ontario’s veterinary care shortage and other barriers to veterinary access.
- Drafting detailed regulations on standards of care, facilities, advertising, and record-keeping that will make the PUPS Act an effective tool for eliminating unethical dog breeding and puppy mills.
- Following through on the provincial government’s commitment to a consultation on unnecessary and cosmetic veterinary procedures, and bringing Ontario in line with the rest of Canada in banning or regulating procedures such as feline declawing, ear-cropping and tail-docking, and devocalizations
- Updating the Dog Owners Liability Act to remove the province’s ban on pit bulls, and to make other changes that will better protect animals and the public, with a greater emphasis on owner responsibility.
As an Ontario resident who cares deeply about animal welfare in this province, I am urging you to commit to action on these issues following the current provincial election. “
What are the key animal welfare issues that the Ontario SPCA is focusing on during this election?
There are many important animal welfare issues that affect Ontario and the Ontario SPCA has been involved in pushing the provincial government to take action on a number of them. Because of the sudden early election call, we are focusing our election messaging on several that we have been actively working on in recent months:
- Addressing Ontario’s veterinary care shortage and other barriers to veterinary access.
- Drafting detailed regulations on standards of care, facilities, advertising, and record-keeping that will make the PUPS Act an effective tool for eliminating unethical dog breeding and puppy mills.
- Following through on the provincial government’s commitment to a consultation on unnecessary and cosmetic veterinary procedures, and bringing Ontario in line with the rest of Canada in banning or regulating procedures such as feline declawing, ear-cropping and tail-docking, and devocalizations
- Updating the Dog Owners Liability Act to remove the province’s ban on pit bulls, and to make other changes that will better protect animals and the public, with a greater emphasis on owner responsibility.
We will also be continuing our efforts on these issues immediately after the elections.
If there are animal welfare issues you feel passionate about that are not included on our current list, please include them when you contact your local candidates.