How to Choose a Dog Trainer
Taking your dog - and your family - to dog training classes is a wonderful and fun way to help you understand how you…
Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips and Tricks
Crisp fall air, long walks at the park and quality time cuddled up on brisk-weather mornings with your pet are som…
Four Questions to Ask to Understand Your Pet
Whether you've just adopted a dog or cat, or lived with one for years, there may come a day when your beloved pet sta…
Wonderful Walking Tools
The wonderful (and worst) of walking tools
One of the greatest joys of dog ownership is the daily …
Adopting a Shelter Cat – What You Need to Know
The sight of a cat or kitten may be irresistible to just about anyone, but the decision to adopt a cat should never b…
Civic Holiday: Firework safety and pets
The long weekend is nearly here! We couldn't be more excited, and neither could our pets. Whatever you're planning for …
Dog walking techniques
There are many ways to teach your dog how to walk by your side - and many tools to assist you! Here are a few dif…
Get prepared with this Emergency Kit for your pets!
It's Emergency Preparedness Week, and we want you to have all the information you need to be prepared for an emergency …
Got a Pet? Get a Vet! Getting involved & 2018 contest
Every year, the Ontario SPCA takes a month to share why getting a veterinarian once you have a pet is so important. Tha…
Cat fights – How to manage fights between cats in your home
If you're a cat owner, you may have had the experience of waking up to your cats chasing each other, loud hissing,…
Happy Easter! Safety tips, bunny adoption, and animal-grams
Easter is just around the corner! As you get ready for a weekend with family and friends, here is some informati…
What is Fix Your Pet Month all about?
It’s that time of year again – Fix Your Pet Month! This is a program of the Ontario SPCA’s encouraging people…