Tips to manage moving day stress for your cat
For many people, moving to a new house is a stressful ordeal. If it’s stressful for us, imagine how your cat feels.…
How to recognize stress in pets
Did you know that just like humans, our furry companions can also experience stress? Here are a few pointers in identif…
5 steps to make your move to a new house less stressful for your furry friends
5 steps to make your move to a new house less stressful for your furry friends
Stouffville, ON …
Tips to take the stress out of moving day for your dog
If you’ve ever had to move to a new house, you know there is a lot to think about leading up to the big day. Moves …
Behind the scenes: Stress Reduction – Sight/Visual
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society's Shelter Health Pro website has great resources for shelter care, and general pet …
How to make a stress-free vet visit with your cat
Taking your cat to the vet can be a stressful time for everyone. Your cat is being exposed to unfamiliar territory, and…
Joining Paws: Updates to the Ontario SPCA’s Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre
We have some exciting news to share! The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre (PD…
Are essential oils safe to have around your pets?
Essential oils are a popular natural remedy for many people, offering benefits ranging from stress relief to enhanced s…
Ceva pheromone products, Feliway and Adaptil, help comfort animals awaiting adoption
At the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, ensuring that the animals in our care remain happy, healthy and calm while they…
Understanding “play aggression” in cats
Play aggression in cats happens when a cat becomes overstimulated during play, leading to potential aggressive behaviou…
Addressing giardia in kittens
Guest blog by Dr Emmanuel Fontaine, Scientific Communications Veterinarian at Royal Canin North America
In my cont…
Tips to start the year off right with your new furry friend
Wow, can you believe it’s 2025 already! What possibilities could this new year hold? While you’re figuring that out…