Halloween costume safety
This Halloween, you may be planning on dressing up your furry friend to take part in the festivities with you.
Adopting a dog with hip dysplasia: What you need to know
At the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, we often see dogs come into our care for rehoming due to behavioural issues tha…
Tips to introduce a cat to your home
Your sweet kitty cat is coming home! You and your family can’t wait for your new furry family member to arrive and st…
Fostering benefits extend beyond animals to the volunteers
Some animals find the transition to an animal centre environment challenging. Other animals may need to remain in our c…
World Animal Day: Know who to call
October 4th is World Animal Day, a day that unites animal champions to ensure actions are taken to protect the welfare …
Pet care tips for three-legged dogs
Three-legged dogs are bound to amaze you with what they’re capable of. Just spend some time with one and you’ll see…
How to reduce the risk of feline urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
Sponsored by Royal Canin
Did you know that there are multiple causes of urinary tract disease? Stones and crystals c…
Beyond basics: Teaching your dog new cues
Has your dog mastered basic cues like “sit,” “down” and “come”? These are the most common cues most people …
How to find the right pet trainer
Bringing a new furry friend into your life is super exciting, but it also means taking on some responsibilities. Animal…
Hot weather pet safety
Extra precautions should be taken during hot weather to keep your animals safe. Even a short time in a hot environment …
Recognizing grief in animals and how you can help
If you’ve ever wondered whether your animal friends feel grief, they answer is yes! Dogs and cats, like humans, can e…
Crate training your adopted dog
Welcoming a new dog into your home is both exciting and life changing for you and your furry friend! Crate training is …