July 9, 2024

3 rules for a great start with your puppy

You’ve recently welcomed a new puppy into your home – what an exciting time! This is the beginning of a long-term companionship. But with…
December 8, 2023

How to teach a rabbit to wear a harness and leash

Many rabbit companions enjoy going outside! But it’s important to make sure they do so in a way that keeps them safe. Training a…
October 30, 2023

5 common canine behaviours and how to modify them

You may think at times, “my dog knows better,” but the truth is, unless you’ve taught them and they’ve practiced the training in an…
August 10, 2023

Pandemic puppies: Adult dog socialization tips

The first three months of a puppy’s life are important to its development as during this time, they are learning, going through a critical…
October 28, 2022

4 ways to build your fearful dog’s confidence

Does your dog get scared of new people or environments? Today we’re sharing four helpful ways to build your fearful dog’s confidence. …
March 25, 2022

How to teach your cat how to sit

We’ve all seen dogs learn cues like how to sit, or give paw, but did you know cats can also be trained to learn…
February 25, 2022

Positive reinforcement training helps dogs be their best  

Are you trying to teach your dog something new, or decrease unwanted behaviours? Try positive reinforcement training! It’s an effective method to shape your…
April 27, 2021

Tips to get your dog’s attention through the “watch me” technique

Teaching your dog what “watch me” means is a great way to get their attention. This trick is helpful when you want your dog…
January 5, 2021

How to teach your dog “stay”

Teaching your dog to “stay” can be very useful. It can help keep your dog from begging at the table, greeting guests at the door…
June 23, 2020

Loose Leash Walking: Train your dog with these easy tips!

Teaching your dog loose leash walking can be one the most challenging parts of training a dog! Though every dog is different, these easy tips…


For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
