Catch up with the Ontario SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services Unit!

by | Interesting |

Since its inception in 2019 thanks to a Pet Valu Companions for Change™ sponsorship, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s 38-foot Mobile Animal Wellness Services unit has helped change the lives of thousands of animals. In 2023, the unit performed 570 spay/neuter surgeries and 237 wellness appointments. So far this year, the unit has performed 362 surgeries and counting! 

As part of our mission is to help keep animals with the people that love them, in 2023 the unit was stationed in Sudbury to provide additional accessible spay/neuter and wellness services, including vaccinations, to Northern pet families. The mobile unit will remain stationed in Sudbury throughout 2024. 

Keep reading for answers to your FAQs about the Ontario SPCA mobile unit: 

Why was Sudbury selected as the location to station the mobile unit? 

The Greater Sudbury area is a large geographic region, meaning there are many animals needing spay/neuter and wellness services. In addition, there are financial barriers as well as accessibility barriers in many underserved areas that make it challenging for people to access these types of services for their animals. 

The mobile unit is currently stationed in Sudbury to provide additional accessible spay/neuter and wellness services to Northern pet families. Being able to bring the mobile unit to areas of need within the Greater Sudbury area will help break down some of the barriers people face getting veterinary care for their animals and will help reduce pet overpopulation in the North. 

Will the mobile unit be travelling across the province this year? 

In addition to the mobile unit, the Ontario SPCA also offers MASH-style mobile clinics. These portable outreach events are designed to be easily packed up and transported to wherever they are needed, including remote communities where road access is limited. 

Please keep an eye on our website, for more information on upcoming events. 

What type of animals do you help? 

The SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services Unit provides spay/neuter services for cats, general wellness examinations and vaccinations for dogs and cats, and end-of-life care when necessary and requested by the family. 

Spay/neuter services on the mobile unit are focused on cats for the time being. By focusing on one type of animal, we can perform more surgeries, which allows us to have a greater impact on animal overpopulation. 

Who provides care for the animals? 

A team of licensed veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians provide care for the animals who come to the mobile unit. We take pride in providing excellent care for the animals we are entrusted with. 

We want to work with local veterinarians and help keep animals with the families who love them. The goal is to treat animals who do not currently receive veterinary care, and to connect the family with a local veterinarian to develop a life-long relationship.   

What do the services cost? 

There are fees in place to cover operating costs, but those fees are reduced for those who qualify. Costs will be discussed at the time of booking.  

 How can people access the service? 

The SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services Unit is accessible to those who receive government subsidy, have an Indigenous status card and/or do not currently have a relationship with a local veterinarian.  

Who determines who is eligible to use the service?  

The Ontario SPCA works with municipalities and local social support services in the community to help provide pet parents with access to wellness and spay/neuter services. Anyone who does not have a regular veterinarian can also access this service.  

For subsidized services, we will be working directly with local social services to identify those who need assistance caring for their animals. Pet families who receive a government subsidy can also reach out to us directly to book an appointment. Proof of eligibility will be required.  

How is it funded? 

As a registered charity, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society depends on the generosity of its donors to fund programs and services that help vulnerable animals in our community. To learn more about the Ontario SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services, or to make a donation to help stock the unit with medical supplies and cover operating costs, visit 

For spay/neuter and wellness appointment bookings in the Greater City of Sudbury area contact the unit directly for information on booking.  The mobile unit can be reached at or calling 1-888-668-7722 extension 347. 



Thank you so much for all you do

Thank you so much for all you do every day to rescue animals in need. I can’t imagine the terrible situations that you see every day.  It is great that you have the heart to help. Keep up the good work.
