Easter weekend activities for you and your pet

by | General Pet Care |

Easter weekend may be looking very different for your family this year, but that doesn’t mean it has to be less fun! We’ve put together a few activities you can enjoy with your pets, even while practicing physical distancing.

Four activities for your Easter weekend

Indoor treat scavenger hunt. Your dog or cat will love this one! Choose a selected room in your house, or a few rooms, where you’re comfortable with your pet rummaging. Place small treats throughout the room, then bring your pet in and let them loose! They’ll enjoy exploring the room in a new way, and getting some rewards too.

Family walk. If the weather is going to be nice in your part of Ontario today, then a walk might be a great activity for you and your family. Dogs always appreciate this kind of outdoor exercise, and if your cat has a harness and leash you can consider taking them too! Keep in mind the importance of physical distancing while you enjoy your fresh air.

Go on a picnic in your backyard. Early spring can be a beautiful time to enjoy a picnic, even just in your backyard! Weather-permitting, this activity is fun for the whole family. Bring out some special treats for your pet to enjoy while you and your family have your lunch.This change of scenery could be really good for you!

Teach some tricks. With a little extra time on your hands, you can enjoy teaching your pet some tricks! There are lots of great “how-to” videos out there for this. So do some research, get some treats, and get started! We have lots of great resources on our YouTube channel, as well as the Enrichment series on our ShelterHealthPro.com website.

Teach your dog to roll over.

Teach your dog to turn around.

Enjoy the day together and Happy Easter!


As an animal lover all the work you do

As an animal lover all the work you do to help ensure that every dog and cat can find their forever home that is filled with love is greatly appreciated.
