Forever in my heart: Glenn and Katie’s love story
by Ontario SPCA and Humane Society | Happy Tails | January 21, 2020

Earlier this month we shared with you our Happy Tails calendar star, Sally. But now, we’re sharing the story of one of Glenn’s other beloved cats – Katie.
Katie, a cat with hyperthyroidism, was surrendered to the Ontario SPCA Provincial Education & Animal Centre in April 2018, at 10 years old. Her age, along with her health condition, meant many adopters passed her by. She was waiting in the animal centre for five months before she met Glenn.
“When people ask me, why did you adopt such an old cat? I always tell them, ‘I didn’t think compassion had an age limit,’” says Glenn.
Watch this video to learn the full, beautiful story.
Hats off to you
To all kind-hearted and hard-working people at SPCA: hats off to you. I love animals and admire the work you do.