Happy Earth Day! Be a “Green” Pet Owner!

by | General Pet Care |

As the Easter Bunny hops away for another year, and we return to work after a long weekend, it’s time to turn our thoughts to Mother Earth.

Happy Earth Day!

Spring brings a much-needed change after a long, hard winter. It means longer walks outside, frolicking through the park and basking in the warm sun with our furry friends. Spring also reveals lots of garbage after the snowbanks melt away. This includes some things we use on a daily basis as pet owners – like waste bags, food packaging, forgotten tennis balls, the list goes on. Wondering how you and your pet can make things a little greener?

Here are some ways we can all do our part to be more “green” pet owners.

Reuse, Recycle and Donate

The ASPCA recommends calling your local shelter to see what they need before throwing away the old towels, bedding, litter boxes and leashes you’ve accumulated over the years. They often have a need for these household items, and your pet’s gently-used products can go a long way in making a shelter animal comfortable and happy. It also reduces the shelter’s need to purchase new items and cuts down on waste.

Clean green

In our blog Greener Choices for Pet Owners, we recommend ditching chemical cleaners or bleach to clean up any messes from pets, and instead suggest trying vinegar as a surface cleaner and baking soda to absorb odours. To clean up carpet accidents, sprinkle some baking soda and then vacuum. There are also eco-friendly pet shampoos for getting your pet clean, but watch for the presence of tea tree oil since it can be toxic to pets. Some pets can clean themselves, like cats, and some pets have skin conditions that require special shampoos that should be discussed with your vet.

Go Compostable

In the ASPCA blog, It’s Earth Day! Go Green with Your Pet they suggest opting for biodegradable doggie bags over the plastic kind, choosing kitty litter made from plant-based materials like wheat or wood chips, and looking for pet products made from recycled plastics and natural materials. Next time you’re at the pet store, ask the sales associate what greener options they have in stock.

Solar Power

Make the most of the spring sunshine and save energy by letting your pet air dry outdoors after a bath, or let washed pet supplies dry in the sun instead of using the dryer.

Reduce packaging

Clean up pet-related messes with rags instead of paper towels. You can also consider purchasing pet supplies in bulk—you’ll save money by making fewer trips to the store and you’ll also cut down on discarded packaging. Another idea is to look for pet supply companies that keep the environment in mind and use sustainable packaging for their products.

Every positive action towards cutting down our environmental impact makes a difference! You and your pet will be living greener in no time.

Read more about how to “go green” as a pet owner: http://ontariospca.ca/blog/how-to-go-green-as-a-pet-owner/


Thank you so much for all you do

Thank you so much for all you do every day to rescue animals in need. I can’t imagine the terrible situations that you see every day.  It is great that you have the heart to help. Keep up the good work.
