How to fit your dog for a winter coat

by | Dog Care |

During the cold months, it’s important for your pet to get exercise, but it’s also important for them to be protected from the elements! If your dog is the type of breed who needs extra protection, you may want to consider getting them a winter coat.

Here are some tips for fitting them into that new coat from our blog, How do I…fit my dog for a winter coat?

Tips to fit your dog in a winter coat

To keep your pet suitably protected, a dog coat could be a good purchase that will keep your pet comfortable during winter walks or potty breaks. Even heavier-coated dogs may appreciate a rain coat for those wet and gloomy days.

cold weather, dog in coat, dog in jacket, ontario SPCA, dog
photo credit: ynaka29 Laika Ready to Attack | Vermont, USA via photopin (license)

Ideally, walking into a pet store (that welcomes pets!) with your dog is the best way to ensure the canine coat you’re interested in will fit. Alternately, you can simply measure your pet at home and then visit a variety of stores or browse online boutiques for the coat that will work best for your pet.

Measurement tips:

  1. Use a soft or paper measuring tape (download a printable measuring tape here)
  2. Your dog should be standing up on all fours, not sitting or lying down
  3. Allow an extra inch or two in length to accomodate for movement
  4. Measurements should include from base of neck to base of tail, circumference of the neck, chest width and the circumference of the chest.

Many canine coat manufacturers will offer sizing and breed tips for their products on their company website. Chilly Dogs, a Canadian-based company that offers woof wear, has a great sizing guide for measuring your dog correctly. Check out their online video for some guided tips!


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