Introducing Animals’ Voice Pawdcast’s new host: Kallie Milleman!

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new host, kallie milleman, animals voice pawdcast, podcast, video, youtube
Kallie Milleman, new host of Animals’ Voice Pawdcast.

2018 is a new year, and we’re excited to introduce you to the new host of our podcast!

For the past four years, Kevin MacKenzie has done an incredible job hosting Animals’ Voice Pawdcast, but now he’s stepping back to make room for a new host! Check out our most recent podcast to hear about all the new exciting projects Kevin continues to work on at the Ontario SPCA.

And now, we introduce Kallie Milleman, Communications Development Assistant, for the Ontario SPCA, and our new host! Kallie has been with the organization many years, representing our campaigns and messages on television, radio and our YouTube channel. Now, get to know her as your new host!

Tell us what you think in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.

Introducing the amazingly talented – Kallie Milleman!

Get in touch with your new host!

Twitter: @Ontario SPCA



For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
