Spring has sprung! Pet tips you need to know

by | General Pet Care |

spring, spring tips, spring safety
photo credit: The_Little_GSP 0230 Happy Spring Puppy via photopin (license)

Spring has sprung, and we want to make sure you are prepared for all this season has to offer your pets. Check out these great spring pet tips with information you need to know!

Other resources

Spring Pet Checkups – What you need to know! Spring is on it’s way! Well, we hope it is at least. With that comes more outdoor time with our pets, and our pets’ furry friends. This is a great reminder to pet owners to plan a visit to their veterinarian for spring pet checkups. It is important your pet is up-to-date heading into this new season. Check out this information from our blog Springtime Health Check.

PET HEALTH CORNER: Spring Dangers for Pets. Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes many dangers to your pets that as a pet owner, you need to know about. Dave Wilson, Director of Shelter Health and Wellness at the Ontario SPCA, shares what some of these spring dangers are.

How to safely remove ticks from your pet. The height of tick season is upon us, so we want to help you be prepared if any of these creatures enter your pet’s life with this video on how to remove ticks.

Grooming your pet regularly is definitely important, but spring grooming even more so! In the spring, your pet needs to shed extra fur because the warmer weather means they don’t need it anymore. That’s where you come in!

Spring has arrived! Safety tips. Despite the cold, wintery weather Ontario’s been having – it’s officially spring! We want you to fully enjoy the new season with your pets, so here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

We hope you find these spring pet tips helpful! Follow us on Facebook for more great tips like these!


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