Spay it Forward for Fix Your Pet Month
Reducing pet overpopulation begins with you! Change the future of animal welfare by donating the cost of a spay or neut…
Lost Pet Recovery 101
As loving and devoted pet owners, we rarely expect to lose a pet. Yet each year, more than 10 million pets go mis…
Foster Volunteer Opportunities
Foster volunteers with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Provincial Foster Care Program will temporarily provide …
Guide to Dog Bite Prevention
Most dogs are loving, devoted companions, but any dog may bite if provoked. The Ontario SPCA is very concerned about …
Adopting a Cat – Ain’t Misbehavin
Cat behaviour issues
These are a few tips to help you deal with common cat behaviour issues. For more details,…
Avoiding Catty Misunderstandings: Play and Petting
We love and admire our cats for their ability to remain close to their wild ancestry. At the same time, our everyday …
How to Socialize your Puppy
Well-socialized puppies usually become more confident and well-adjusted dogs because they’ve been exposed to a wi…
Bird Care
If you're thinking of adopting a bird, consider adopting one from the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society and read the bi…
Clicker Training your Cat
Clicker training is a fun and effective way to help teach a wide variety of animals, from cats and dogs to marine mam…
Solving Litter Box Dilemmas
Detective work may be needed if your cat has suddenly started eliminating outside of her litter box. Complicating the matter, is that sometimes the reason the cat started house soiling (for example, a painful urinary tract infection), may not be the same reason they are continuing.
Cold Weather Safety Tips for Your Pets You Need to Know
Winter weather is here and the Ontario SPCA wants to remind pet owners that the cold weather can be harmful to you…
Helping your Adopted Cat – and Existing Pets – to Accept Each Other
Adjusting to a new home can be a frightening and anxious experience for a cat who may have been bounced from one or m…