How do I stop my dogs from marking territory indoors?
One of the questions we receive at our animal centres is how to stop dogs from marking territory indoors. We have some …
My dog has just come into heat. What should I do?
Spaying is a surgical procedure that removes some of the reproductive organs in a female dog to prevent unwanted pregna…
9 Things to Know Before Adopting a Bunny
Aren’t bunnies just the cutest? Although they make great companion animals , some considerations must first be taken …
Beyond basics: Teaching your dog new cues
Has your dog mastered basic cues like “sit,” “down” and “come”? These are the most common cues most people …
Back to school: Separation anxiety and pets
With the school season coming back in full swing, your family will be adjusting to the new schedule – and that includ…
How to find the right pet trainer
Bringing a new furry friend into your life is super exciting, but it also means taking on some responsibilities. Animal…
Recognizing grief in animals and how you can help
If you’ve ever wondered whether your animal friends feel grief, they answer is yes! Dogs and cats, like humans, can e…
Crate training your adopted dog
Welcoming a new dog into your home is both exciting and life changing for you and your furry friend! Crate training is …
A second start: Chico’s road to recovery
Two-year-old mixed-breed dog, Chico, arrived at the Ontario SPCA Lennox & Addington Animal Centre fearful, shut dow…
Does music really have an effect on our furry friends?
Humans have playlists for just about everything these days. A playlist to workout, a playlist to clean, even a playlist…
Living with wildlife: Birds
To coexist with wildlife, consider the enormous hardships these intelligent and fascinating wild species encounter due …
Understanding canine body language
While some pets enjoy meeting new people and animals, others prefer their own space, and the company of those they are …