How do I stop my dogs from marking territory indoors?
One of the questions we receive at our animal centres is how to stop dogs from marking territory indoors. We have some …
9 Things to Know Before Adopting a Bunny
Aren’t bunnies just the cutest? Although they make great companion animals , some considerations must first be taken …
Beyond basics: Teaching your dog new cues
Has your dog mastered basic cues like “sit,” “down” and “come”? These are the most common cues most people …
Back to school: Separation anxiety and pets
With the school season coming back in full swing, your family will be adjusting to the new schedule – and that includ…
Create a garden for your small animal!
Discover a new way to incorporate leafy greens into your small animal’s diet in a fun, natural and engaging way! Inte…
Does music really have an effect on our furry friends?
Humans have playlists for just about everything these days. A playlist to workout, a playlist to clean, even a playlist…
Feline fun – Tips to train your cat new cues
One of the fundamental puppy development stages is learning training cues from their fur parent. But dogs aren’t the …
Keeping small animals happy and healthy at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society!
Small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters thrive on enrichment, just like larger animals. At the Ontario SPC…
Three-legged dog Dozer finds his stride!
Dozer is a gentle giant with a love for life, and sadly a chronic elbow dislocation that required amputation. In the ca…
Why does my cat sleep so much?
You may have noticed cats spend a lot of time snoozing, but have you ever wondered why they sleep so much?
How to handle jumping
Jumping is a common training challenge and is usually attention-seeking behaviour. Unknowingly we might "teach" our dogs to jump up on us by rewarding them each time they do so.
How to keep your small animals mentally stimulated
Mental stimulation is important for the behavioural enrichment of small animals. With some small positive changes to th…