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Adopting a Cat – Ain’t Misbehavin
Cat behaviour issues
These are a few tips to help you deal with common cat behaviour issues. For more details,…
Muzzle Training Your Dog
Muzzles are used to reduce the risk a dog poses to people and other animals by restricting the dog's ability to bite.…
Solving Litter Box Dilemmas
Detective work may be needed if your cat has suddenly started eliminating outside of her litter box. Complicating the matter, is that sometimes the reason the cat started house soiling (for example, a painful urinary tract infection), may not be the same reason they are continuing.
Merry Christmas from the Ontario SPCA!
Can you believe Christmas Day is actually here!? If it took you by surprise, you may need some last-minute gift id…
Ring in the Holidays with a new furry family member
It's hard to believe that the holidays are soon on their way! If you've been considering adopting a pet, there i…
Helping your Adopted Cat – and Existing Pets – to Accept Each Other
Adjusting to a new home can be a frightening and anxious experience for a cat who may have been bounced from one or m…
Halloween Safety Tips for you and your pet
Are you ready for some frighteningly good fun this Halloween? While you're enjoying the candy and costumes, be s…
Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips and Tricks
Crisp fall air, long walks at the park and quality time cuddled up on brisk-weather mornings with your pet are som…
Four Questions to Ask to Understand Your Pet
Whether you've just adopted a dog or cat, or lived with one for years, there may come a day when your beloved pet sta…
Civic Holiday: Firework safety and pets
The long weekend is nearly here! We couldn't be more excited, and neither could our pets. Whatever you're planning for …