How to disinfect pet care items after a boarding visit

by | General Pet Care |

During the cooler weather, many people take vacations or plan to visit family for the holidays.  This can mean taking your pet to a boarding facility. But what is the best way to clean and disinfect your pet’s possessions when they return home?

If you’ve sent along any items with your pet to a boarding kennel, a good precautionary measure is to wash everything when it comes home. This can include pet beds, towels, blankets and soft toys. (Did you know you should even wash your pet’s leash and collar?)

Give items a thorough clean by removing any visible dirt or organic matter before putting into the machine. Any laundry soap (unscented can reduce the potential for skin irritation) is sufficient, however be careful to keep a definitive separation between the soiled and clean items. Avoid overloading the machine, and plan to do several smaller loads instead if necessary.

photo credit: yourbestdigs group of six laundry detergent bottles via photopin (license)

The crucial part in the cleaning process is actually the dryer. The high heat of a dryer is very effective at killing germs. Ensure that items are completely dry before folding and storing.

If there have been any reported  or suspected illnesses at your boarding facility of Canine Parvovirus, Feline Panleukopenia, Ringworm (Dermatophytosis) or Coccidia, immediately call your veterinarian and throw out any items that may be contaminated.

It’s also important to mention that you may want to bathe your pet in pet-friendly shampoo post-boarding. Avoid the eyes and ears as you bathe them, and dry them off well before going back outside into the cold.

For home care, the process is relatively simple. Animal care facilities are faced with a greater challenge, especially with frequent new arrivals. The Shelter Health Pro website has a large database of information for shelter health professionals, kennel operators and breeders.


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I stand behind SPCA with my monthly gift. I am so happy there are folks like you to care for those who can’t help themselves.  My family and I have had animals all our lives and know what a comfort they are.  Thank you SPCA.
