December 6, 2022

Healthy Habits: Is your pet at their ideal weight?

Do you know what a healthy body looks like in your pet? Furry friends come in so many shapes and sizes it can be…
November 4, 2022

Healthy Habits: Healthy growth for puppies and kittens

Did you know that like human infants, our furry friends have growth curves, too? These charts help us to make sure our pets stay…
October 31, 2022

How to create a fear free, happy Halloween for your pets

Halloween night is filled with many unfamiliar sights and sounds, which can be quite scary for your pet! Luckily, some small changes can make…
October 7, 2022

Healthy Habits: Working activity into your pet’s daily routine

Who doesn’t love playtime? It can be the key to keeping your furry friend stimulated and living a healthy life. However, playtime doesn’t look…
September 16, 2022

Travelling with your cat + Four Canadian adventure cats to follow!

If you love to travel, adventuring around the country can be a fun and exciting activity. Whether it be travelling for necessity, such as…
September 8, 2022

Get active this Fall with your pets!

Fall can be a great time to get out and get active. With cooler weather, there are plenty of perfect opportunities to get outside. …
August 30, 2022

Barrie Animal Centre Temporarily Closing for Renovations

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is committed to providing support to our communities across Ontario. We are actively listening to determine community needs and…
August 5, 2022

Why does my vet start to look jumpy when I talk about feeding raw?

Guest blog by Juanita Glencross, Royal Canin  My goal today in tackling this difficult conversation is to simply offer some insight…
July 29, 2022

Long weekend safety tips for your furry friend

Do you have exciting plans this long weekend with your furry friends? Whether you’re hiking, camping, or cottaging, we have some helpful tips to…


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
