How to stay productive while working with a dog at home

by | Dog Care |

Try these tips if you’ve run out of ideas to keep your dog busy while you work from home! 

Sharing your workspace with the cutest, furriest co-worker you could ever ask for presents a different kind of challenge – keeping them busy while you work. For the last year, your dog has probably thought they hit the jackpot being home with you all the time. They may have even had a cameo on one of your work Zoom callsMaking sure your dog is busy while you work from home is good for both of you, keeping them mentally and physically stimulated while you have the time and space to focus on your work.  

Here are some easy things you can do: 

  1. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise before and after work. Maintaining a regular exercise schedule is good for your dog’s overall health and helps burn off excess energy. This is also beneficial for you to clear your head and get some fresh air and exercise! Win-win.
  2. Use enrichment activities. A frozen Kong or food puzzles help provide some positively reinforced activities and keep your dog’s mind activeYou can also send them on a search for treats by hiding them under toys and blankets around your home.  
  3. Schedule some quiet time. Who couldn’t use a nap? Establish nap time or quiet time throughout the day. This is a time for rest, away from your workspace. Try placing your dog’s bed or favourite blanket in this spot.  

Keeping your dog busy is especially important in a work from home situation, and all our tips can help your dog adjust when you return to work as well. If you are anticipating returning to work outside your home, now is the time to read up oseparation anxiety in pets. 

Visit for more helpful tips on enrichment for your dog! 

stella, working from home with a dog, work from home
Stella is an expert at giving “puppy dog eyes.”


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
